TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A little progression on my roll cage.
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Subject A little progression on my roll cage.
Posted by TBlakeZ (NorCal) on February 07, 2009 at 8:22 PM
  This message has been viewed 1696 times.
Message Well I successfully mounted the main hoop today. I had my friend Kyle help me set the depth and overall position of the hoop. He has an extensive experience building roll cages for off road trucks and has worked for Nissan/Infiniti for the last couple years.

I still have to pound the floor down on the driver's side a-pillar mount. The floor is uneven and I don't think its because of damage more of almost 20 years of street use. Because the driver's side floor is too high its making the driver's hoop too high and the t-top is being pushed up. Otherwise it should go smoothly from now on.

This was funny. The passenger side fender was damaged when I bought the car so it has ended up being the place where all the anger when something goes wrong... goes to.

I don't know if you guys have ever hit a fender on a Z but I will say that they are strong. It took a couple hits before the cats paw end of a framing hammer went through it. The rest are from a rubber mallet. I'm sure it will end up being tagged more before the project is completed by stoppers by.

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